353Solutions - 2018 in Review
Happy new year! Here’s a summary of 353solution’s 2018.
- Total of 242 calendar days where worked for a customer (including partial days)
- Down 11 days from 2017
- Out of 261 work days in 2018
- Median consulting work day is 3:36h
- Workshops are usually a full day
- Normalized work days (total divided by 8) is 203.3
- Up from 171.6 normalized days in 2017
- Of these 53.5 days were in workshops and the rest in consulting
- 13 workshops
- Up from 10 last year
- 4 more video courses on LinkedIn Learning/Lynda (over 300K viewers already)
- Teaching in Israel, UK and the US and Germany
- Several new client including MGT, Gett, Actiview and others
- Revenue up by 20%
- Personal social network keep bringing all the work
- Go is exploding
- GopherCon Israel brought many connections
- Much more Go in consulting
- Python & Data Science in demand for workshops
- We need to get better on marketing open classes
- Might have an alliance for that
Last Year’s Goals
- Work less while increasing revenue
- Mixed results here. Worked more but revenue is up ☺
- Publish my book
- Done: https://forging-python.com
- More workshops and less consulting
- Two open enrollment workshops
- Two free 1/2 day workshops
- Keep working from home
- Attend at least 3 conferences
- Give at least 4 talks in meetups or conferences
- Done (2 PyWeb IL, 1 Go Israel, 1 PyCon Israel, 1 Big Data)
- Get better at marketing
- Decided marketing is the open source work I’m doing.
Goals for 2019
- GopherCon Israel (February 11, 2019)
- Work less while increasing revenue
- Attend at least 3 conferences
- Give at least 4 talks in meetups or conferences
- Two free 1/2 day workshops
- Start another book
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