If it won't be simple, it simply won't be. [Hire me, source code] by Miki Tebeka, CEO, 353Solutions

Friday, May 01, 2009

Subversion IRC Bot

#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Push changes in subversion repository to IRC channel'''

from twisted.words.protocols import irc
from twisted.internet.protocol import ReconnectingClientFactory
import re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from xml.etree.cElementTree import parse as xmlparse
from cStringIO import StringIO

class IRCClient(irc.IRCClient):
nickname = "svnbot"
realname = "Subversion Bot"
channel = "#dev"

instance = None # Running instance

def signedOn(self):
IRCClient.instance = self

def svn(self, revision, author, comment):
comment = (comment[:57] + "...") if len(comment) > 60 else comment
message = "SVN revision %s by %s: %s" % (revision, author, comment)
self.say(self.channel, message)

class SVNPoller:
def __init__(self, root, user, password):
self.pre = ["svn", "--xml", "--username", user, "--password", password]
self.root = root
self.last_revision = self.get_last_revision()

def check(self):
if not IRCClient.instance:

last_revision = self.get_last_revision()
if (not last_revision) or (last_revision == self.last_revision):

for rev in range(self.last_revision + 1, last_revision + 1):
author, comment = self.revision_info(rev)
IRCClient.instance.svn(rev, author, comment)
self.last_revision = last_revision
except Exception, e:
print "ERROR: %s" % e

def svn(self, *cmd):
pipe = Popen(self.pre + list(cmd) + [self.root], stdout=PIPE)
data = pipe.communicate()[0]
except IOError:
data = ""
return xmlparse(StringIO(data))

def get_last_revision(self):
tree = self.svn("info")
revision = tree.find("//commit").get("revision")
return int(revision)

def revision_info(self, revision):
tree = self.svn("log", "-r", str(revision))
author = tree.find("//author").text
comment = tree.find("//msg").text

return author, comment

if __name__ == "__main__":
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall

factory = ReconnectingClientFactory()
factory.protocol = IRCClient
reactor.connectTCP("irc.mycompany.com", 6667, factory)

poller = SVNPoller("http://svn.mycompany.com", "bugs", "carrot")
task = LoopingCall(poller.check)



Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this, this is a very useful piece of code. Also, this line seemed to fix the occasional crashes:

data = pipe.communicate()[0]

after Popen(...), instead of the try:catch

Miki Tebeka said...

Yeah, you're right. The docs says "communicate" is the preferred option.


petazz said...

Twisted words IRC doesn't support newer standard with channels starting with ! =( ie. !mychannel

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