#!/usr/bin/env python
''' Solving http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=24
Note that Python's 2.6 itertools.permutations return the permutation in order so
we can just write:
from itertools import islice, permutations
print islice(permutations(range(10)), 999999, None).next()
And it'll work much faster :)
from itertools import islice, ifilter
def is_last_permutation(n):
return n == sorted(n, reverse=1)
def next_head(n):
'''Find next number to be 'head'.
It is smallest number if the tail that is bigger than the head.
In the case of (2 4 3 1) it will pick 3 to get the next permutation
of (3 1 2 4)
return sorted(filter(lambda i: i > n[0], n[1:]))[0]
def remove(element, items):
return filter(lambda i: i != element, items)
def next_permutation(n):
if is_last_permutation(n):
return None
sub = next_permutation(n[1:])
if sub:
return [n[0]] + sub
head = next_head(n)
return [head] + sorted([n[0]] + remove(head, n[1:]))
def nth(it, n):
'''Return the n'th element of an iterator'''
return islice(it, n, None).next()
def iterate(func, n):
'''iterate(func, n) -> n, func(n), func(func(n)) ...'''
while 1:
yield n
n = func(n)
def permutations(n):
return ifilter(None, iterate(next_permutation, n))
if __name__ == "__main__":
n = range(10)
m = 1000000
print "Calculateing the %d permutation of %s" % (m, n)
print nth(permutations(n), m-1)
If it won't be simple, it simply won't be. [Hire me, source code] by Miki Tebeka, CEO, 353Solutions
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Solving Euler Question 24
I'm learning Clojure by solving project Euler. Here is a python version of one of the solutions.
Friday, April 03, 2009
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Parallel map (Unix only)'''
__author__ = "Miki Tebeka <miki.tebeka@gmail.com>"
# The big advantage of this implementation is that "fork" is very fast on
# copying data, so if you pass big arrays as arguments and return small values
# this is a win
# * For too many items, we get "Too many open files"
# * Handle child exceptions
from os import fork, pipe, fdopen, waitpid, P_WAIT
from marshal import dump, load
from itertools import takewhile, count
def spawn(func, data):
read_fo, write_fo = map(fdopen, pipe(), ("rb", "wb"))
pid = fork()
if pid: # Parent
return pid, read_fo
# Child
dump(func(data), write_fo)
raise SystemExit
def wait(child):
pid, fo = child
waitpid(pid, P_WAIT)
value = load(fo)
return value
def pmap(func, items):
>>> pmap(lambda x: x * 2, range(5))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
children = map(lambda item: spawn(func, item), items)
return map(wait, children)
if __name__ == "__main__":
def fib(n):
a, b = 1, 1
while n > 1:
a, b = b, a + b
n -= 1
return b
items = range(10)
print "pmap(fib, %s)" % str(items)
print pmap(fib, items)
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