Sunday, February 11, 2018

353Solutions - 2017 in Review

A little late, but here's a summary of 2017.


  • Total of 255 calendar days where worked for a customer (including partial days)
    • Up 62 days from 2016
    • Out of 260 work days in 2016
  • Median work day is 6:53h
  • Normalized work days (total divided by 8) is 171.6
    • Up from 158.1 normalized days in 2016
  • Of these 30 days were in workshops and the rest in consulting
  • 10 workshops
    • Down from 18 last year
    • First video course on Lynda (over 100K viewers already)
    • Teaching in Israel, UK, US and Poland
  • Several new client including PayPal, CommonSense Robotics, Iguazio and others
  • Revenue down by 5%
    • But earnings are up :)
  • First newsletter went out


  • Personal social network keep bringing all the work
  • Very big workshops customer cut down a lot - picked up the difference with more consulting with is less lucrative
  • Python & Data Science in demand for workshops
  • Much more Go in consulting
  • Free 1/2 day open class did not bring any work
    • However will do some more - it was fun
  • We need to get better on marketing open classes

Last Year's Goals

  • Work less while keeping same revenue
    • Failed here. Worked more to keep about the same revenue
  • Work more from home
    • Success here
  • Publish my book
    • I can't believe this is not done yet.
  • Publish a video course
    • Done (with two more to come)
  • More open enrollment classes
    • Tried that but not enough enrollment, need to get better at marketing

Goals for 2018

  • Work less while increasing revenue
  • Publish my book
    • Learned from last year and reserved serveral days this quarter to finish it
  • More workshops and less consulting
    • Two open enrollment workshops
    • Two free 1/2 workshops
  • Keep working from home
    • Attend at least 3 conferences
  • Give at least 4 talks in meetups or conferences
    • First talk was Jan 1 on PyWeb-IL, have another one slated for March
  • Get better at marketing

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